Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Postcards and Chocolate Boxes

Happy new year to you all. 

I hope 2011 finds you well and you're not too worried about the demise of the Earth and all its inhabitants next year (if you're not familiar with 2012 Mayan prophecies, sorry I've just given away the ending to the Earth's story).

I am currently in the UK and enjoying it immensely. After a debacle in getting here involving snow, cancelled planes and frozen trains we attempted to follow our planned route as much as possible to see family and friends, taking Christmas in the Midlands, Hogmany in Edinburgh and a weeks holiday in Dorset. I'm currently in Durweston, a small hamlet in Dorset living in the sort of thatched cottage that would make anyone not from this country talk about postcards and chocolate boxes. I'm catching up on work by making a few changes to 'Stigma', getting it into a position for one final push when I return to India at the weekend. I'm also thinking about the next project - a lot.

I have a little over six months left in India, which is time enough to write one more novel. I'm thinking of sticking with YA and a new series. More news when I've fired up the grey cells and got them to go over several ideas.

So - If you're still on your Christmas holiday enjoy it - you haven't got long left. If you're already back at work - no fear. We get to do it all again in 360 days.


River of Gods is a sci-fi novel set in the not too distant future that instead of dealing with the West turns its attention to Asia. As I’m currently living in India and I’m starting to see the differences in culture and thinking, it acted as the perfect accompaniment.

India is a land divided by religion, ethnic diversity, quality of living and inbuilt historic legacies. It has seen rulers come and go, empires crumble, it’s ruled and been ruled over; but always India remains. RofG takes this diverse land and includes modern technology, arm races and avatars, climate change, modern business practice and politics into a story that at heart is about finding your place.

Seen from the point of view of several diverse characters their stories intermingle to reflect the complex relationship evident in India. No one character is the lead, each has their part to play to bring the ideas and context to the fore. The writing contains the heavy scent of heat and spice, exotic but never so alien as to be misunderstood. Starting slow it builds into a technological thriller. It also has several intriguing gadgetry that work in context and never distract from the story.

If I had one complaint about the novel it’s the incomplete job that appears to have been done in the final edit. There are several areas that could have been improved. However, this does not detract from an interesting take on a culture unfamiliar to many.

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