Monday, August 08, 2011

Every Other -ly

I went to the Inky Fingers book fair at the week (twice, as it happens, as the first time I got the wrong day). It was small and intimate, with a selection of zines and small print offerings. In the end I didn't buy anything, mainly because my reading pile takes up the length of my study and I don't have time to read anything else at the moment, what the iPad being updated daily with my RSS feed, plus my magazine subscriptions. I'm always amazed so many people produce these small works, the effort that goes into them is immense and the reward small. I takes a certain type of artist to commit to them.

More reports on epublishing, this time from the Guardian, that argues about the inherent worth of digital versus paper.

An interview with Adam Christopher turns to Twitter and its use in pitching novels. His new book, 'Empire State,' sounds like my cup of tea, must add it to the growing pile.

There's also an interview with Julie Bertagna, a fellow YA sci-fi writer, living in Scotland. She sound as if she had the opposite reaction to her trilogy (no YA sci-fi as opposed to too much, now).

And, is this future of libraries? I'm not sure I like the idea of the local library being run by religious groups. To me that would mean a conflict of interests. Libraries should be neutral - politically, religiously and every other -ly.

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